Can your IT department keep up with the everchanging world of technology?
Many businesses today have implemented the latest technology to remain competitive in their respective markets, but they find it difficult for their IT team of one or more struggle to keep up with all that is required. That’s why demand for managed IT services is expected to increase for the forseeable future. By eliminating the high costs of hiring and training new IT staff, managed IT services are a great choice for small and medium sized businesses looking to grow using newer technologies.

Why Should I use Managed IT Services?
The eMPiGO Engineering Team is second to none when it comes to managed IT and ensuring your networked infrastructure is secure, available, and proactively monitors its health. Our goal is to implement solutions that provide the right balance for your business in terms of risk and financial means. Whether you’re all in for public cloud offerings, prefer a private cloud or hybrid, our certified engineers can assist with recommendations and explain the pros and cons to each approach.

IT Support Services
You don’t have to have all the answers.
With a dedicated help desk, you don’t have to waste hours trying to figure out something yourself. eMPiGO’s consultants know which questions to ask to troubleshoot the problem and minimize downtime. Whether you prefer to submit a ticket or get on the horn, we’re here for your team 24/7.

Cloud Services
Do more with your data.
The cloud offers you a secure place to back up your systems and data automatically. With eMPiGO’s cloud services, we direct, schedule, and monitor your data flow and data storage, so you can do the important tasks needed to grow and maintain your business.

Private Hosting
The host with the most.
Every business has different hosting needs. Whatever level of service you need or infrastructure you need supported, eMPiGO has a plan. With our private hosting, monitored 24/7, your site will experience little, if any, downtime.

Monitoring and Network Maintenance
Keep your network running smoothly.
Don’t wait for something to go wrong. eMPiGO takes a proactive approach to maintenance. We protect your data by keeping your network updated. And, we take care to identify, diagnose and troubleshoot issues before they cause interruptions to your business.

Co-Managed Infrastructure
Blend your internal team with our support, knowledge, and expertise.
eMPiGO can support your internal IT team members by providing additional skills and capabilities or for additional coverage like time off.