Cybersecurity risks can seemingly originate from anywhere at any time if you’re a small to mid-sized organization. How do you maintain steady operations, providing your team the digital access they need, while protecting sensitive information from risks? It can seem like one of the great balancing acts of business. eMPiGO helps organizations assess that risk, prioritize cybersecurity activities, build resilient infrastructure, and establish risk mitigation protocols to reduce or eliminate downtime.

Risk Assessment Considerations:

Remote Work and the Cloud
Work has been redefined by giant cloud-computing platforms, powerful personal devices and work-from-home arrangements. The widespread adoption of Google, MS 365 and similar platforms, plus the interplay of office, home, and away-from-home networks requires renewed vigilance and a shoring up of your organization’s cyber-defenses.

How do your employees and networks stand up to external attacks like ransomware or phishing and its variants? One malicious attachment or link can compromise the security of your online data. We’ll assess your ability to prevent, contain and dispatch these types of threats.

Is your organization ready? If you’re in a fast-paced environment (and let’s face it; aren’t we all?) you may not have time for a security breach. How important is it to your organization to have a response plan in place? A risk assessment may reveal that you need to run a simulation to further evaluate the ability of your organization to respond and where to make adjustments.

How does a Risk Assessment Work?
The IT professionals at eMPiGO will identify your vulnerabilities, monitor your systems, and analyze the data security within. We’ll develop a plan to help your team manage the risk. If there are data privacy or security issues, we will work with you to determine the appropriate tools and protocols for your business. We take a holistic approach, taking your business objectives, budget and infrastructure into account when we make our recommendations.

Why eMPiGO for your Risk Assessment
For eMPiGO, IT is not simply a department. We are owner-operators, and we are hands-on. We often work with growing enterprises, becoming a trusted partner they can count on for on-call and consultation expertise in an area that is crucial to their business continuity.