Private Hosting Services from eMPiGO include:

Private Cloud Hosting
You don’t have to share cloud services with anyone. With a private cloud, you get a highly secure, dedicated, and physically isolated network where your infrastructure, databases, and servers exist exclusively for your organization’s use.

Improved Performance
Private hosting frees up your devices for heavy demand and eliminates the threat of server crashes from high traffic. Server downtime and time spent backing up your network are headaches you won’t miss.

Increased Security
Moving data to a privately hosted secure cloud network ensures nobody sees your files without proper access. Instead of worrying about a network data leak, lock your files away from unauthorized access, leaks, and data manipulation.

Freeing up your servers means that you can increase your output. You won’t have to pay for data storage a gigabyte at a time. Instead, we will continue to protect your workplace documents as you build up your business.

Price Stability
As opposed to public cloud hosting, private cloud offerings have much more predictable costs. Public cloud offerings from both Amazon and Microsoft often vary significantly on a monthly basis, depending on many factors.
Find your fit.
We offer subscription-based, usage-based, and as-needed services to best match the level of support your business needs. Instead of committing to a generic subscription program, trust the professionals at eMPiGO to tailor a plan unique to your business.